Some Excellent News!! Moving to Next Phase!

First of all apologies for the radio silence. Many of you have contacted me asking if everything is fine. Thanks for that. Yes, all is going well, in fact EXCELLENT!

The last weeks have been busy finishing my second cycle of consolidation chemo and starting my third cycle two weeks ago. The usual 4-5 weeks of cocktails, cells extermination and recovery… It’s amazing how body and mind can get used so quickly to the “new normal” 😉

As you may remember we started a SEARCH FOR DONOR two months ago when we found out that my siblings were not compatible. This search has been done across the global donors database that covers over 25 Million generous donors registered globally.

Well, the excellent news are that WE HAVE A DONOR CONFIRMED!! This Superman/woman ( donation is totally anonymous at this point) is compatible with my cell type by a factor 10/10 ( the best compatibility that the transplant team can measure) and he/she has gone through all the tests required to confirm compatibility and now has finally agreed to donate his/her stem cells to give me a great chance to get rid of Leukemia.



So.. WHAT IS NEXT?  Over the next few weeks I’ll complete my current cycle and in aprox three weeks I’ll be back to Stanford Hospital to start the process for Bone Marrow Transplant. That will be approx 4-5 weeks at the hospital followed by two months at home but with daily follow ups and very close supervision to control potential rejection.

Please, let me make it very clear. Nothing is 100% guaranteed in this Cancer/Leukemia business. The Bone Marrow transplant is a procedure with its own complications, very serious side effects and serious risk of rejection, but at the same time it’s the best option to get “cured” and avoid Leukemia to come back.

So… there we go. Thanks in advance to my Superman/woman and to all of your guys for the constant support.

A few more weeks until the new phase of Project Starwars begins 😉

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14 Responses to Some Excellent News!! Moving to Next Phase!

  1. Viplob says:

    JJ – what great news on a beautiful sunny morning here in London! Keeping my fingers crossed for you all the way. Best. Vip


  2. Andres says:

    Perraco, noticias como estas es lo que realmente me hace feliz no sabes cuanto, pero cuanto me alegra leer estas lineas y sabes que estoy contigo asi sea desde muy lejos. En mis largos silencios de montadas en bici es donde mas me acuerdo de ti….Un abrazo muy grande para ti , suza y por supuesto los gatos !!! saludos desde la calurosa Newbury 😉 pues que te dire, la proxima birra que me tome ira un gran toast para ese/esa superhero !!! en horabuena monstro!!


  3. Rafa says:

    Me alegro Juanjo! Menos mal que hay más generosidad de la que creemos en este mundo. Ahora toca disfrutar las buenas noticias tu y todos. Al toro que ya estas más cerca campeón!


  4. Paco Martin Pignatelli says:

    Cómo me alegro!! Mola mucho tu enfoque “run the mile you are in”. Un fuerte abrazo, keep pushing!


  5. Alann Rezende says:

    JJ, nós estamos muito felizes por essa notícia e torcendo muito por você.
    Grande abraço,
    Alann, Brenda e Raphael 😊


  6. Luis says:

    I’m smiling now. Press on. Abrazote


  7. Juanjo, muchas felicidades y mucha suerte en todo el proceso. Tu y tu donantw mereceis lo mejor.


  8. Mike R-C says:

    Hi JJ. I only recently heard you were not well and I was wishing you well. This is truly excellent progress and a great opportunity that you and your donor have been given! You have spurred me on to register again as a donor myself. Wishing you all the very best in the coming weeks. Mike and Ann


  9. Juanjo, que excelente noticia! Me alegro mucho. Un fuerte abrazo, y mucho ánimo. Alvaro


  10. Nacho Bustamante says:

    Me alegro muchísimo Juanjo! Todo va a ir fenomenal, estoy seguro! Un abrazo muy fuerte


  11. Eithne says:

    Good luck!!


  12. Warren says:

    Hello JJ, only just heard about your challenges through Shannon. My father passed through the same challenges so I have some understanding of what you and your family are going through the highs and lows and waiting for results. I hope the donor route gives positives results, thinking of you.

    Like Mike, I should also register as a donor, as I am sure there are still bits of me that are worth recycling.



  13. Hank says:

    I feel saitfsied after reading that one.


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